Friday, November 2, 2012

This time...

This time, I will not think of 5, of 10, of 20 years ahead and wake up in cold sweats fearing for the future that has yet to come.

This time I will not try to make you promise, or tie your wings down with a crimson string.

This time, I will not try to analyze, or read between the lines, or complicate anything above and beyond what it is


This time, I just want to be with you - this moment, the presence an enjoy the gift of life given to me, without the fear of tomorrow, or the future.

This time, I just want to walk aimlessly - wander! dance in the rain! chase the wind ... and laugh wholeheartedly with you.

This time, I would like to be fair to my heart and for once, follow its call.

Thank you for being here.
With me.

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