Wednesday, October 31, 2012


He slipped away at the peak of his youth and I watched my worst nightmare coming to life. At the age of 18, there wasn't much I could do to salvage him. But now at the age of 23, shouldn't I be more confident? Shouldn't I already have gotten over my trauma? Why am I so troubled?

Not for a Sport

You don't break people
Cut them deep
Kick them where it hurts - the most
for a sport.

You don't say it - because it
just for the sake of proving you're
right. You don't just
inflict pain for a sport. Just, don't!


To be able to read people, see their pain and sorrow beyond their smile is a gift... If you are not going to be there to catch them when they fall, then don't - don't push them off the edge.

Use your gift wisely. . .


I literally have no idea what to do with you, my dear. I have no plan, no strategy. My "magic" doesn't work on you - you just don't LET it happen. I don't know what to do with myself either.

5 years - you think 5 years would make a difference, 5 years should make a difference. But why.don't.I.see.any.difference? At the age of 18, I watched my worst nightmare coming to life in vain. Now at the age of 23, shouldn't I be more confident? Shouldn't I already have gotten over my trauma? I am still dumbfounded and clueless. The 19 year old you aren't the 19 year old him - why oh why, all that I see is the jarring similarity between you two?

Life gives me a second chance. You are here for a reason. Don't walk around breaking down walls that people spend years to build for a sport. I will not give up on you, more so on us.

I am not going down without a fight.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

...And tears run dry

My body convulsed into excruciating sob.

I clutched my sweaters, in the fear that my shattered heart pieces would find its escape out of my chest.

Ah... woman are like that.

 Mother once said: a woman can sell her soul for her children, die for husband, but she will go mad for a chance to be loved wholeheartedly.

And the tears of women in love, never run dry.


October withers and Fall is dying, November is far out of reach - where have I been?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Here I am

Running away, I've tried
10 countries and 32 cities in one summer
Countless of people I met. Countless of faces I observed. Countless of names I whispered - just so I can drown away the thought of you.
Countless of adventures I embarked, who can count the number of miles I walked by? The vast sky and oceans I crossed - just so I wouldn't find the compass of my heart pointing your way.

I know they won't work, they didn't last because I have tried. Eventually, it happened this way. After a summer,  we met - a brief embrace that lasts no longer than 3 second. . . I am back to the vulnerable girl, whose heart longs to you.


Your image was imprinted in my brain like a tattoo. And even when I close my eyes, trying to put my longing to rest, all I could see is you. I could not put it into words - this strange emotion that drives me off the edge on a regular basis. Until now, I am still wondering how this all happened, how I ended up here at this moment in time - entrapped in my own misery of an unrequited love.

Your paths collide at the wrong time in my life. I know it will never be right. I know I have broken so many rules (silly rules I created for myself, to govern my heart) because of you.

You are oblivious to the point of cruelty. . . and I am paralyzed here in this mess of self-created drama not knowing where to go next, what to do next. There is no future for us, you don't love me, not to mention love me enough to rewrite our destinies for one another. I wonder why oh why, I long for someone I cannot have, I should not have.

I am not searching for an answer - for I know it does not matter. One morning I wake up, the idea of us will fade. I will vaguely remember the pain that seems to be killing me today. One morning I wake up, and us


we are already history . . .