Friday, August 15, 2008

with RUam

P1090195 by b_19may89.
someone I can trust

P1090173 by b_19may89.

Someone I can run to
P1090177 by b_19may89.

with whom I can truly be... myself

(even when I am lost, I know she will find me, she will ALWAYS find me)

we eat from the same plates... share food... get fat together... laugh at each other's joke
cry over each others' tear

P1090167 by b_19may89.
P1090163 by b_19may89.
RUam & RAchel
2005-2006-2007-2008 and many years to come...
Thank you for who you are... simple as that, thank you, for whom I have become, because of your love for me, your kindness and foolishness. I dont believe in forever, nor do I think there is anything eternal when it's so hard to trust..., but for once, you give me belief in destiny and true friendship... thank you ^^