1. She. She was someone I hated to the core. Some crazy nuts who is extremely messy and germie ;) She possesses a funny brain which is smaller than her b**bs, definitely. It does not function when we talk about math. Yet when it comes to humanities subjects, it reveals its freaky self. I hated her for she 1, was a cheerleader 2, acted like a cheerleader 3, thought like a cheerleader, 4. Screamed with her high pitch voice AS a cheerleader. Now she still 1, is a cheerleader 2, acts like a cheerleader 3, thinks like a cheerleader and 4, yeah, still screams as a cheerleader (this is NOT 1 2 3 4 love); but certainly, I start to see more in her (rather than her b**bs) as a batch mates, as a friend. Hate to say I love someone I hated. I wonder with that special brain she has, she would understand I enjoy being mean and laughing at her as much as caring and appreciating her goodness. Yes, Germie, we better top Lit to honor Miss Lin.
2. He. He is funny he is caring he is another nut cases which I care much about. A true brother who is totally non-blood related. He never failed to surprise me with every present he gave, everything that he does. Up till this moment, I still look at my 19th bday present with massive confusion and of course, with a broad smile. He is in love and I am extremely happy that he finds true happiness in her eyes. I strongly believe he will grow up into a man whom every man respects and every woman desires. Why do I know that? Simply b’cuz: he is my brother, right?
3. She. She does not LOOK like a teacher; she does not ACT like a teacher. Yet she is one of the best teachers I have ever had. I miserably failed Literature in EVERY single assignment back then in SCGS (by the way, we came from the same secondary school), not knowing why. When she became my teacher, I started so see things beyond black and white. When I got the 1st A in Literature, I was floating among the clouds. I guess she did not know, she had indeed, fulfilled her dreams in IJC. What she did, she salvaged such students as me, as Germie… And for the 1st time in my life, I wanted to be a teacher, too. Someone who is a friend, a sweet provider, a all-so-excited lit appreciator, a mice killer… a special teacher, just like her.
4. She. In plain English, I love her. She is the combination of all the blessing in the world, just like her name. She would appear whenever I am in the lowest point of my life, like an angel. She teaches me kindness, forgiveness and for one more time, she makes me believe that true best friendship prevails. I love the way she smiles, the way she treats those utter losers who did not even appreciate her from the 1st place. She who never thought she is AT ALL special, AT ALL talented, AT ALL smart and AT ALL kind, is actually, the smartest, kindest, most talented person in my eyes. When she smsed me: “when you are sad, I’m sad too” I finally learn there is actually soul mate in this world. Someone who knows you like no others, yet love you like no others. I found mine, on that particular faithful night when my world collapsed, and I was in despair. I guess you are the gift from heaven, the angel who is sent, to save the remaining goodness in me.
5. He. He was the reason for my laughter and tears, “my North, my South, my East and West/ My working week and Sunday rest”. He brought happiness and love into my life, opened up all the windows and showed me the world in a totally different angle. He was silly, he was childish, he was mature, he was THE one. Silly enough to go all the way to learn Vietnamese and how to ride a Vespa just because I said I would not marry anyone who can’t. Thoughtful and crazy enough, he proposed to me when he was barely 19 and me 18. When I was with him, I was myself, 17, not 70, I dare reveal my stupidity. I dare let down my hair and try to experience life… He evoked in me the most indescribable feeling, the mixture of total secured, total trust, madly in love and I became a true believer in fairy tale. When he slipped into the eternal sleep, I was in despair. It is true: “We die with the dying/ See, they depart, and we go with them/ We are born with the dead” I was reborn, into someone new, someone who would not compromise on anything less than true love, who appreciates life and lives for the moment. I thank him for loving me for who I was, with all the flaws and making me, who I am today. Dearest, we will meet again, I believe, somewhere over the rainbow… way up high.
6. They. They are 10 people I was blessed to have. 10, of all different characters, of all different dreams and desires. One of them claims to be THE MOST SELFISH yet, she cares the most for everyone. She is crazy she is pretty, she could hardly commit to anyone and any job (apart from committing crimes). She would spend hours making sure all of us look petty and left alone herself looking like a mess. Another is an artist, who is sweet and cute. Who is a push-over when she is in good mood and the totally opposite once in a blue moon. One of them is so freaking smart we wonder where she gets her brain from. She is our family’s pride and of course more than all that. . . I wish they knew, I love them as brothers and sisters, as friends for life. Sincerely from my heart, I hope for all the very best to come, all the happiness and luck for them.
7. She. She is haughty, she is unfriendly, she is slow when it comes to dirty jokes, and extremely insensitive, a true mafia who could leave her 5 finger mark on anybody who dares offend her… Who cares? I love her regardless for her dignity, strength and sincere.
8. He. He came from the past, the past that whenever I looked back, I could smile again and again. He was my true best friend, someone I understood too much up to a point, I finally realized the only thing I was sure about him was the fact that I did not understand him at all. Now we truly drift apart. Like living in the same box without acknowledging the existence of the other party, I know we can never go back to the past where we were. But your image in my memory will remain fresh and pure through the test of time. I wish u strength and bravery, to live with your inborn goodness, which I know u posses. I wish you knew, every moment with you, was the moment I treasured. As if it was just yesterday, we exchanged silly notes to one another and talked about the girl u loved in the middle of Civic lesson, Ngo Si Lien, Hanoi, once upon a time.
9. She. Come to think about it, she is the silliest best friend I ever had. A true Big Pink Loser in most people eyes, yet a totally adorable, honest, creative freak in my heart. We can walk and walk and talk and talk about almost everything and anything. From the total jerks we used to have a crush on and now loathe, to the most serious topic: our dreams. She is indeed, lame, absurd. But I enjoy every bit of her insanity. "cuz what shines in her is her sincerity and kind heart. Darling, I want to see my future, with u. I want to go for exhibition not with you but BY you, OF you. I want to see u success, live in style. Must I say: I love u?
10. She. It would be more appropriate if I met her in the ZOO, not in Innova JC or Oldham Hall. She can scream like a jungle of monkeys, be shameless like an elephant, strong like a buffalo, fast like a zebra (taking about bra haha, she is as flat as the wall of the zoo) But of course, I love her like elephant loves NUTS lol for all that she is and the fact that she cares.
11. She. She is NOT JUST and AHM who will make sure that you come back on time, sleep in your room at correct hour. She is NOT JUST the lady whose smile can bright up your gloomy day. She is NOT JUST someone who cares about your anything and everything. She is THE one we all love and adore. When I am with her, it’s just like I am with a best friend. I wish I would grow up into someone like her, someone with such a warm, opening heart. I wish her happiness and above all love. I don’t know much about the world outside Oldham Hall door, but whoever ends up sharing his life with her, must be the luckiest man on earth. Pray that he will find her, soon.
12. She. What can I say? She is one of the most important people that change my life. She is like the refreshing wind that take me away from all my “why, huh? What? How come”. I absolutely admire her free spirit and spontaneous nature. This moment she can be screaming on the top of her lung on the highest building of Singapore, yet the next moment, she can just be sitting lazily and quietly in some corner of a café shop at midnight. She taught me to breath, touch and taste life, not just stand and stare at it. When I am with her, I enjoy getting lost, traveling, cooking and learning to make handmade cards. Dearest, I will always remember u and me and the tiny room in Oxford, how we used to share ¼ of the KFC meal, walked under this tiny umbrella and how you comfort me as we continuously got lost on our way back.. Though we are really far apart, but I truly wish one day, we will be able to bag pack together again. I adore and admire u so much. May the stars watch over you!
13. She. A caretaker of many other Emovians. The one who would iron Ivan’s uniform, talks to Andika when he turns emo, bakes cookies for all of us during valentine day. And yet in my eyes, she is just this silly, crazy friend who OMG, she is turning 20.
14. She. My ex roommate. My YUMMY YUMMY DEARY DEARY ROOM MATE, who is my caretaker. She would make sure (damn sure) that I ate properly, I slept enough, that I did not cry too much thinking about him. She would go out with me ONLY when both of us faked MC. This fluffy roommate I had, by far, has been the best ever. We can talk about her favorite topic: FOOD and got out of bed almost immediately to cook something together. I wish she knows, that over here in this air-con room, with my sarcasm unappreciated I miss her like mad
15. She. The only ABSOLUTELY morally correct soul left in the whole entire world. A respectable young lady who would never go against her words (I am so happy she said she loved me). The perfect daughter/ student that parents and teacher dream of. She is one of my best friends in Singapore. She will stand strong when all collapses. She will simply smile believing, bad things happen for a reason and they will all be gone. I wish her love, knowing well, such a girl like her will be loved as she deserved. So much love and respect from all those around her.
16. She. She is the only truly kind Singaporean friend previously from my secondary school, When I learned that actually she is from Hong kong, I was like wonder lol. She is a maniac when we talk about fashion. She is someone who lives in style, being judged for living in style yet, still brave enough to remain true to herself. Way to go, girl. Now we don't share the same table for lesson any more. I wish u all the best and GET WELL SOON!
17. She. Thousands miles away from one another, millions (and still counting) differences that could have separated us apart. Yet, even when she is OVER THERE in the USA, with her new life, new habits and I am OVER HERE in Singapore, with my new world, new challenges, I believe once together, our friendship will still be the same. Just like the good old days, maybe better. maybe better than best.
18. She. My present roommate, well not directly but soon to be. She is moody and nutty. She can be extremely nice and extremely startled, easily mad. Yet, in those horrible moments I encounter recently, all I can remember is her hug, her nonsensical yet extremely heartwarming conversation. Knowing that she and THEY will be there, right behind my back to watch out for me makes me appreciate this rare friendship across all culture and religion boundaries
19. She. Being friend with her taught me to grow up, be patient and kind (which is rarely seen in me). She is this SOMEONE to care for, someone to motivate, to make sure she knows her own value. Talented, smart (inborn clever), a great singer with a beautiful face, I wonder if she sees herself in the mirror the way we see her. 'Cuz if she does, I would be damn sure, she would not hurt herself that much. Guess what? I adore u, though u are just another nut case. Take care of urself, as u are no longer near us. Take care of my little darling. She is fab and awesome, just that she need to learn to LOVE. starting from herself.
20. Them. They are the fairy tale of my life. They are in love, in such pure and overwhelming love that I could just sit quietly around the house, listening to their everyday conversation, wondering how such love prevails after all difficulties in life. Yes, 20 years +6 has passed and yet he still sings "first love" as her bday gift every year, never forgets to sms her night night when he is away, and of course, roses for even not so special occasions. For who they are and how they fall for one another, once again, I have faith in life, in love, in true love even after marriage, after all, said and done
The couple I admire
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