Wednesday, October 31, 2012


He slipped away at the peak of his youth and I watched my worst nightmare coming to life. At the age of 18, there wasn't much I could do to salvage him. But now at the age of 23, shouldn't I be more confident? Shouldn't I already have gotten over my trauma? Why am I so troubled?

Not for a Sport

You don't break people
Cut them deep
Kick them where it hurts - the most
for a sport.

You don't say it - because it
just for the sake of proving you're
right. You don't just
inflict pain for a sport. Just, don't!


To be able to read people, see their pain and sorrow beyond their smile is a gift... If you are not going to be there to catch them when they fall, then don't - don't push them off the edge.

Use your gift wisely. . .


I literally have no idea what to do with you, my dear. I have no plan, no strategy. My "magic" doesn't work on you - you just don't LET it happen. I don't know what to do with myself either.

5 years - you think 5 years would make a difference, 5 years should make a difference. But why.don't.I.see.any.difference? At the age of 18, I watched my worst nightmare coming to life in vain. Now at the age of 23, shouldn't I be more confident? Shouldn't I already have gotten over my trauma? I am still dumbfounded and clueless. The 19 year old you aren't the 19 year old him - why oh why, all that I see is the jarring similarity between you two?

Life gives me a second chance. You are here for a reason. Don't walk around breaking down walls that people spend years to build for a sport. I will not give up on you, more so on us.

I am not going down without a fight.