Saturday, April 17, 2010


The leftover
from yesterday dinner...
once, the main course
now what? the leftover
unwanted, undesired.

The left over from yesterday
You don't feel like finishing it
Neither are you able to throw it
So here it stays

Frozen, in that corner of your abandoned fridge,
Frozen to every fiber of its being, sick to the core

Till some morning
Woken up in your hangover
amazed: one sock in your vomited mess
- of some other "main courses" you couldn't remember

you will find me then
you will find me then
but I won't be like the
waiting tirelessly in that corner of the fridge
cold, frozen, dried up
just to warm up your empty stomach today

Hanoi, "winter" in the middle of spring
-sick I am-



Q: what is the most special thing about you that you would want ppl to know about?
I stand by my best friends no matter what. Even if she does something wrong/ stupid/silly/unacceptable in my definition of it, I will not leave her struggling in her own misery. It does not mean, I would not tell her straight up: "I think this isn't right". I would, so at least she can make up her mind in a more rationale manner. However, if she insists on her way, I will support her.Who knows, she may find her happiness.

You may ask me, why would I do that? ummm... Simple answer, I was once left alone crying my eyes out for months, I was once left alone to go against all odds by my very dear "best friends"... It takes me years to see who are my truest, most truth-worthy people. Now that I know who they are,  I love them with my whole heart. That's why, I would NEVER ever want them to experience such horror and loneliness I did.

Seriously, if your friends are wrong, so what? Will u be happy when u see them in despair, and laugh: "I told you before?" If MY best friends fall, I would love to be there and pick them up - just like what they did when I was kissing the ground.

... about friendship, that's something I want people to know. But this is really ONLY for best friends
:) - and I am sure they know very well who they are
Apr 17, 2010 03:36:02 AM EDT

Q: tell me one thing very few people know about u
I can really live without my phone, especially now that I am in Vietnam. I had to beg my dad to stop asking me to use it a few time, but he didn't buy it.So I turn on my phone and pray that no one contact me, eps. now when I lost my voice. If you want to find me, fb is a much better option, lol... Do you know this about me yet?
Apr 17, 2010 03:15:56 AM EDT

Q: Do you think you will forgive a cheater and give him another chance?
4 year ago I will say: "DEPEND" on the situations/ person. However people change, don't we? My answer now and ever on is final: "NO". You may think "it's his first time,common, give him a chance, he's sorry enough" but I tell you this: once a cheater always a cheater. A guy who doesn't have the balls to fight his temptation is surely a dude with no principles at all. It's in his blood, if you still want to forgive, go ahead. You are kissing a frog, hoping he will become a prince, but guess what? there is only one prince among countless frogs out there. So, you do the math...
Apr 15, 2010 03:46:32 PM EDT

Q: forgive or forget?
neither. When I do not think about something anymore, it does not mean I forgive or forget. I may let things slide, and move on. But as much as I treasure kindness, though in the form of subtle gesture, I remember the cause of my scars as well.
Apr 15, 2010 03:35:48 PM EDT

Q: Do you plan on expanding your family?
I don't quite understand your question explicitly, thus it's hard for me to answer it exactly the way you wish to know. So I will go along with my vague guesses, pardon me - if they don't satisfy you, please come back and ask me again more directly.

However, the answer is NO in all the situations I could think of.

For me, I don't plan on expanding my family - if you wonder when I am getting married. Right now I am 21. Right now I am ambitious and selfish - I am not ready to commit myself into a relationship not to mention marriage. Despite the fact that the fortune teller reminds me this is a VERY good year for 89 born to get married, and many of my friends have already sealed the deal. I am not one of them.Not till I am more mature and learn to be selfless. - less importantly, not till I meet the one

For my parents - if you wonder about "adoption". For them, all my cousins are their children, not just Angie. They also have Alex, Ruam, em Ngong, and I would not dare to forget "Fatty". . . My parents love children, young people, thus I am sure, they are ever willing to "expand" their love and guidance. However, this is FAMILY we are talking about, there is no way we can "plan" ahead.

We believe in fate. If someone is destined to join us in this FAMILY, he/she will sure come and we
will welcome him/her. However, there is no way we can plan it and there is no way we desire to do
Apr 14, 2010 07:11:50 AM EDT

Q: if there is one boy say that he love u..but u just know would u accept him?
No, I wouldn't. It was too despicable a lie to tell someone you love him when you don't feel breathless not having you by your side (not to mention I just know him -.-" ). I would never commit such crime - robbing him the truth. Everyone deserves true love i.e. love and be loved in return, so does he - but more importantly, so DO I. In another words, I am really NOT that desperate to have a boyfriend, so much so I have to go such extend to cheat on my own heart.
Apr 12, 2010 10:35:58 AM EDT

Q: dinda said : sepertinya dia bukan sahabatku lagi, melainkan hanya sebatas teman biasa :(
translated by my dearest Nezz: "He's not my best friend anymore, he's just my friend" - sorry to hear so. It kinda sucks to see such great bond broken, but guess what, if he's truly your best friend, you 2 will find ur way back, if not - corny it is, it was meant to be in the past, we don't deny it BUT it's really not mean to be now anymore, or in the future. So, Cheer up, ok? :)
Apr 10, 2010 02:47:02 PM EDT

Q: i love my
I do, and I love them "more than the air I breath". I guess I know who you are, after all, I am very glad you realize it, feel that way. Love and care about them, ok? They may not love you the way you want them to, but I am very very sure, they love you with all that they have.
Apr 10, 2010 08:28:08 AM EDT

Q: how long are you willing to wait for DBSK?
as long as Cassiopeia is still shining gorgeously and faithfully in the sky, I will be rooting for their
victorious and heartwarming comeback
Apr 09, 2010 04:10:39 PM EDT

Q: Do you prefer mornings or nights?
nights - "in darkness the eyes begin to see" - I saw my true friends, and I saw the pretenders. I thank the nights.
Apr 09, 2010 12:26:17 PM EDT

Q: Have you decided which college you'd be going to this fall? And if the answer is yes, what college is that?
No, I have not. But I am turning down Boston College for sure - doesn't it feel good to be the one who can "reject" or "accept"? Once I decide, I will inform everyone who cares, sincerely cares
Apr 09, 2010 12:23:31 PM EDT

Q: what are you doing in Vietnam now?
I finally have the time to pick up skills I lack. For instance, I am re-learning Italian and piano and start fresh with another language. I also spend most of my time with my parents and extended family. I quit my job recently to concentrate on my study, but soon enough, I will head back to work again
Apr 09, 2010 12:22:15 PM EDT