#1: "Wanted to tell you this last night, but it was late, and I had a room mate, who probably already knew that I am weird but still... I smiled like an idiot last night :") when you updated your FB page like I asked"
#2: "Ok, I did a bit of a happy dance as well... I haven't met someone like you before that's why it's so hard for me to adjust. You would rather die than say a promise you may not be able to keep, or words that may mean too much to me. But you went ahead and performed my requests"
#3: "Who does that? I only know people who say yes to my face and then forget or ignore and I hate those people but why is it so hard for me to appreciate your way and order of things???"
#4: "Anyway, I had no expectation and even if you didn't do it, I wouldn't be mad or get all upset with you. The fact that you did it ...made me so so so happy. I thought you should know ^^"
#5: "... Did I make it all awkward again :( ?"
"Not at all. I really appreciated your messages.:) you're never awkward with me."
What am I going to do with myself now that I am with you, when I am already too broken, too used to being independent and proud, too jaded with broken vows and forsaken promises?
What am I going to do with myself now that I am with you, when you come with no promises of a future we both are uncertain of, no labels of any sorts, no sweet lip-service words of comfort but you would go out of your way to perform my requests and make me smile like a fool?
What am I supposed to do?
#6: "Question! Does my neediness annoy you yet?"
"Not at all. You just think your needy cuz you've never asked for anything in your life."
May I ask for something for once then? May I wake up, knowing that you are still here - perhaps, for another day so that I can smile the way I do when I am sincerely happy ... just for another day?
Is it too much to ask for?
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