It's 3.30 in the morning and I am still awake.
I am trying, the sad thing is I am TRYING to finish my work for tomorrow. It has been a bad weekend, nightmarish for me. I don't know how it will end. I told my Cassies all over the world to keep faith. I try to reach out to each and every one of them, any of them, all those I would normally call strangers.I dare not address them as friends yet. Cassies, it is a very beautiful name, this is how I will call them, 800 000+++ Koreans and 170 000+++ Japanese, countless of Thai and Chinese, oh, I shall not forget my dear international Cassies to whom, I belong.
I forbid myself from checking on DBSKnight. I have been obsessed with the website, true enough, I believe they are really THE BEST DBSK's website out there. I admire the fans who set it up. I truly am grateful to you guys who have been working so hard subbing all the Japanese and Korean shows that DBSK participate so that English speaker like me can comprehend, appreciate and fall in love with your idol. Yes, now are are mine too. I embrace my new identity, Cassie, a member of Cassiopeia.
No one understand why we people stay awake up to this hour. They say we have absolutely no life and we are JUST some fan girls who are nuts about SOME singers. Well, "whatever they say", I used to think that way, I have to admit. I really thought of this whole thing as absurdity. So what? They disband? Another band will rise, like after H.O.T, DBSK comes, after them? SHINEe? BIG BANG??? Who cares? I don't even understand the language. Furthermore, isn't this the law of the entertainment industry? The curse of 5 year for SM???
Well, it was the past. I remember trembling listening to Junsu's beautiful voice in "Love in the ice". I remember drying my tears for the final time as "Kiss Shita Mama, Sayonara" plays in the back ground. I remember only "Love Bye Love" could calm me down as I confronted a traumatizing nightmare. I remember, I remember them all, each and every tremble of my heart, each and every shiver that runs through my spine as I learn to appreciate their talent: Micky's, Changmin's, Jejung's, Junsu's and of course, my favorite leader: Yunho's. Their cheerful personalities, their handsome looks, their ... jokes and their brotherhood may have brightened up my days every now and then, but it was their voice, note, it is their VOICE not voiceS which gives me faith, heal my heart and restore my belief.
The unity of their individual voices can be defined as perfection.
it is just pop? You must not have heard them with your hearts to give such comment. You must have heard them with prejudice. I grow un-offended whenever someone laughs as I express my love and admiration for them. Instead, it must be the gift from their music that give me the strength and passion to continue, introduce, convince my friends that well, they are gods rising from the East for a reason. Putu fell in love with "Proud" as she saw real tears of joy rolling down from Micky's and Junsu's eyes. Indora must be tapping her feet along with the long list of DBSK music I flux her Ipod. Spread the love. Let them be known.
I only realize how important they are to me this moment, only when I see with my own eyes, feel with my own heart and soul, with every fiber of my being: how deeply affected I am upon the news of the possibility of their disbandment. FAITH. It is all Cassies have at the moment. There are so many fake good news, so many speculation upon this issue.
Fans may falter... Fans may doubt DBSK
fans NOT CASSIES, for Cassies always keep faith in DBSK. We believe we know them, we believe they love us as much as we love them. For that, Cassies stay strong together.
Have you heard of miracle? created by Cassies?
Midoyo was a hit of DBSK at least 3 years ago. It was back then when the boys just barely debut for a while, rookies you can call them. Don't say good bye is another hit in their 4th Album Mirotic. Cassies in Korea has been listening to them none stop in forums to make sure, these songs, again will make miracle, top the music chart, competing with all the newly released hit. I believe this is not only the work of Cassies, but also V.I.P (rivalry Big Bang's fan club), E.L.F (Super Junior's)... Kpop fans stand together to send a message to DBSK: Midoyo (I believe) in DBSK and please: "Don't say goodbye"
Another miracle: Cassiopeias are getting ‘동방신기믿어’ as 1st on Daum’s search ranking to show that we believe in them." The news was sent ALL over the WORLD this afternoon, and guess what? We succeed. It became number 1, as DBSK is number 1 band in our hearts.
I am going to stop here as I realize I have been typing non stop.
I just want to whisper softly again: 동방신기믿어
Faith, I still hold on to the torch, the red glowing stick in the dark, along with Cassie's red ocean. Please find your way back together as 5 for 동방신기믿어. in DBSK we believe and DBSK alone.
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