Monday, July 28, 2008

Ngay lang thang

Hey Fer, how I miss u, from my heart and soul. I do think about u dearly and wish u all the best

Hey roommate, how are u doing? Over there, in McNair. The laundry rox, I know. Still remember our 6 bed-room, whining u and me, being mean to u, as usual as always, Putu, deary Putu who cooks weird food every now and then, and Lintang... gosh that girl and her cute curly hair, smiling, making noodles, tricking me to play the SIM which she failed miserably, quiet Trace and haha, amazingly neat Dhea. Miss us? Miss u and me? : 'Cuz I do, a lot. I nearly cried when I hear u, over the phone : "I miss you, noone is mean to me here" Oh gosh, my big pink loser, my Fer, I do pray ever day that no one in this world (apart from me, lol) is mean to u, and u are treated as u deserved, are loved because of your outstanding personality (which is forever blur and kind)

Ngay Lang Thang is what I always call days walking around with you, taking pictures of Singapore. Small city, small country but how beautiful it can be, if we do look, closely with an open heart. I love Singapore more because of you, of knowing it more and seeing it through in the eyes of an artist.

DSC02053 by b_19may89.

P1090001 by b_19may89.


P1090023 by b_19may89.


P1090016 by b_19may89.

P1090012 by b_19may89.


P1090007 by b_19may89.



DSC02060 by b_19may89.



DSC01989 by b_19may89.

DSC01985 by b_19may89.

P1090009 by b_19may89.

may happiness surround u
may u always smile like this
may more wandering days come along
may we stay true and keep our friendship, forever

take care
and all the best for ur ASEAN DANCE performance

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