I just saw this picture online and fell for it almost immediately.
"I know that you are really gone"
One of my friends dashed into my room last night with tears filled her eyes. Something happened, Sad things happened. She did not use tissues but towel to stop drops and drops of crystal clears water falling down. Literally, of course. I did not venture to understand the full length of the story... Does it matter? To me? Not quite, 'cuz the onlything that made me worried was HER, crying not the juicy story which anyone can turn into rumor and gossip
we are old enough to understand where to stop, and the boundaries of privacy.
Her love is gone. Thinking of the idea, ...gone... and its layers of complications. As I hugged her to calm her down, I found myself sobbing in side, but the brave front ME, stood strong. We, after all are flesh and bones, weak and structured, all in one. She said she could never make it through, and that she would not be able to stand on her own...Her love was her world. And now everything collapses right in front of her naked eyes
I smiled
Knowing what she was experiencing would give her a precious lesson. Like a journey, she was pushed down from the feverish train of love, left walking bare feet to get out of the Wood of Misery. Hunger, Crave for love, crave for a touch, an answer, a reason. Thirst, long for care, long to get something she thought she owns to be back in her hand. Before she knew it, the pain and the exhaustion has already soaked into her mind. Like poison, like perfume, it lingers, it stays. What can not kill us, will only make us stronger. I know she will soon find out her inner strength. Something I fought for life, to help people around me realize. We, all, can stand strong on our own.
Dear, it hurts, I know, all the trees, branches and thorn i the mistery forest poked your body, scratched your skin... But dance, girls, Dance like the little mermaid ... Dance your way out, find your decision, find your strength. Dane your way out
I hate the idea of being dependent on someone or something
Just a relection, I always love self reflections, asking myself what if I was in her shoes. I was, not what if, but I was. My love was gone. not just love, friendship, things that do not work out. Devastated, I was. But every day when I wake up and find myself breathing, smelling, seeing the world as per normal, I smiled. I am alright. And I moved on, away from all unhappiness. I know I have a CHOICE, to react, to give the final answer. And for crying out loud, I am not gonna choose to let things bring me down
Her case was different. The person is still there, just love has gone away. For me, he passed away, leaving a sky of love on my shoulder, filled my heart. What to say? I watched her sleeping like a baby on my bed while I was struggling with my school work. This is my life... I love it. I thought of my mother, my Ruam, my Indora, they were in my position now and I was in my friend's. We change role in life, dont we? So I have grown up and learn something out of it.... Then it will be her turn... one day, to tell another girl that, everything will be alright.
I am at school now, blogging... Hoping that someone out there may read this message of a heart to a heart... Dont take it too hard on yourself... Dont. It doesnt worth it, we have to move on.
Love, I know that you are really gone. I came into term with it, bit by bit everyday. I doing fab. That's why you love me, not anyone else, cuz through the rain... I see rainbow.
let go
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