New floor, new cluster, new room, new friends... Everything is spinning in my head as I try to adapt to the new environment of my own "home away from home". The courtyard is still the same, messy laundry room is still there, the half finished student councils board stands still as if it is waiting for you guys to come back and complete. However to me and to a lot of people who once lived in the legend of 5A2, once laughed and once cried with Indora, Ruam, once slept and woke up with Putu, Lintang, Ferina, Tracey; once danced and sang ridiculous songs with Christabel, Kushi, went to school with Fenny, Dolly, it is not the different of blue and green but black and white...
I dedicate my first blog to ex-Ohana, esp, 5A2-2007, 5th floor girls-2007... you are forever in my heart.
Amazing girls of 504 Putu, ME^^, Lintang, Ferina, Tracey and Dhea
5A2 -2007, WE ROCK!!!
Cookies time ^^ with 5A1
Reunion day, 26th, guys, dont forget to come back. Miss you guys dearly.
some of the pix of me and Putu, Michelle, human-wanna be (lol, Anjerin)... Along th road, we met Marian, Fenny, 2 of my PR classmates, and finally, Kushi and ^^ Lalu
1 comment:
Cheer up!
and we need to take more more more more more PICS!
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