"To love is not to look at one another
But to look together in the same direction"
The message reached me at 7 a.m. this morning, as expected. Someone has been sending me a quote, a line of encouragement, a word of care... sometime, useful information about the possible bad weather every day at 7 a.m. since the day I was discharged from the hospital.
I am really grateful.
I believe you are reading my blog and checking my facebook.
I guess chances are you are not a Vietnamese, for you spell things wrongly in an extremely funny manner. But again, maybe you are for you know things only people who read my Vietnamese blog would be aware of.
I am really grateful that you care in such a quiet manner.
Thank you for not demanding anything from me, not even a reply for I have never done or planning to do so.
Thank you for understanding me, the fact that I would not be able to meet up with any possible expectation or would want to be expected.
I will not call your number, question your identity, reply or make a mess out of nothing. As you respect me silence, I respect your animosity. The message I receive this morning really means a lot to me. Even as friends or lovers, looking at the same direction is indeed the most important thing.
For if we do, even if we part midway due to some unfortunate incidents, we will meet one another again at the end of the road.
I just want to let you know. I am really grateful.
And I learn something today
from you
Song for the day
Travel Log by DBSK
If I walk across the sea, will I be able to meet you?
To the person who sms me, and whoever is reading my monologue: as I believe in this path I am choosing, I will be able to meet the one for me. I wish you the same, hope you will be able to find love for yourself. If you are walking alone, keep walking. If you are waiting, keep your faith.
it does take courage to be single
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Something real
I did not sleep the whole night.
I am obsessed.
H1N1 is spreading and it has already reached my home away from home.
Fanie, Van and Cindy have proved that they live up to the title I grant them: The NUT CASES by taking a series of H1N1 mask pictures. For once I feel really glad I am not in the same room thus I do not have to stand their insanity 24/7. Lol, I adore them and treasure the time I am with them. It seems so unreal that one of the boarders in OH has already been confirmed to be positive with H1N1. As though this is not real. But it is.
What is the most scary thing? I wonder, is that the fear of the unknown? You cannot see the virus nor recognize who is carrying it around. You talk, you hug as you are friendly. You end up getting sick for you are carefree or careless. Fate is something which is written for us, we walk our ways to the unseen traps. Who knows?
Within 2 weeks I may get myself into an accident. Mom prayed everyday for me. I do pray also. Once in a while, she must be upset knowing this. But when I heard my mom over the phone, she informed me that dad got into an accident. His car is badly damaged but thanks to mom's prayer every night, dad is safe. He did not even sue the idiot who run his motorbike straight into dad's car without any any possible reason. Dad said he wanted to do a good deed, sending the man to hospital, not even asking that person to pay for the damage. Dad simply wished because of his action, I would be spared in the book of fate.
I was hit by car twice in sec 3 and 4. I have been injured and sick for no particular reason. Ruam's mom who can read the stars said there is a big OPERATION letter engraved in my destiny. I smiled, counting them, one by one. Have you known my eyes are extremely bad and is highly recommended to be operated at the end of the year? I did not know it. For a good part of my life, I do not even know what it is like to have perfect eye sight. So I thought, the blurry vision I see every day is the best one can ask for.
ignorance is bliss
Now that I know my sickness is real
Now that I am aware of the possible accident.
It is real? I do not know. Yet I just wish I could feel love in a more tangible way. Like Van's touch on my forehead, mom's fingers across my fingers, my head on dad's shoulder, Ruam's voice across the phone... Things like that. I know they are real
And I know, there is something real
I am loved, for real
music of the day: Bolero from DBSK as an encouragement for all JC2 friends out there. ummm I am happy that Poy is also a Cassiopeia. I am visiting her the next time they come to Thailand for sure, lol. I am suffering from exams for the first 3 days of next week: Mon Tue and Wed. 11 essays, 3 hours of maths not to mention Econ case study
Well, something else which is real: exams
I am obsessed.
H1N1 is spreading and it has already reached my home away from home.
Fanie, Van and Cindy have proved that they live up to the title I grant them: The NUT CASES by taking a series of H1N1 mask pictures. For once I feel really glad I am not in the same room thus I do not have to stand their insanity 24/7. Lol, I adore them and treasure the time I am with them. It seems so unreal that one of the boarders in OH has already been confirmed to be positive with H1N1. As though this is not real. But it is.
What is the most scary thing? I wonder, is that the fear of the unknown? You cannot see the virus nor recognize who is carrying it around. You talk, you hug as you are friendly. You end up getting sick for you are carefree or careless. Fate is something which is written for us, we walk our ways to the unseen traps. Who knows?
Within 2 weeks I may get myself into an accident. Mom prayed everyday for me. I do pray also. Once in a while, she must be upset knowing this. But when I heard my mom over the phone, she informed me that dad got into an accident. His car is badly damaged but thanks to mom's prayer every night, dad is safe. He did not even sue the idiot who run his motorbike straight into dad's car without any any possible reason. Dad said he wanted to do a good deed, sending the man to hospital, not even asking that person to pay for the damage. Dad simply wished because of his action, I would be spared in the book of fate.
I was hit by car twice in sec 3 and 4. I have been injured and sick for no particular reason. Ruam's mom who can read the stars said there is a big OPERATION letter engraved in my destiny. I smiled, counting them, one by one. Have you known my eyes are extremely bad and is highly recommended to be operated at the end of the year? I did not know it. For a good part of my life, I do not even know what it is like to have perfect eye sight. So I thought, the blurry vision I see every day is the best one can ask for.
ignorance is bliss
Now that I know my sickness is real
Now that I am aware of the possible accident.
It is real? I do not know. Yet I just wish I could feel love in a more tangible way. Like Van's touch on my forehead, mom's fingers across my fingers, my head on dad's shoulder, Ruam's voice across the phone... Things like that. I know they are real
And I know, there is something real
I am loved, for real
music of the day: Bolero from DBSK as an encouragement for all JC2 friends out there. ummm I am happy that Poy is also a Cassiopeia. I am visiting her the next time they come to Thailand for sure, lol. I am suffering from exams for the first 3 days of next week: Mon Tue and Wed. 11 essays, 3 hours of maths not to mention Econ case study
Well, something else which is real: exams
... and ...
... ummmm ...
Everything will fade, from the fragrance of someone you love to the color of the sky. My inaccurate memories are fading, one day, the remaining bits and pieces will only be the collection of the selected things that I desire to remember. Memories do know how to play tricks on us. I woke up one morning 2 years ago, smiled for I could not recall a particular part of my time in Bath: the color of Lukas's eyes.
They fade into the winds, one by one.
I walked around my room... half conscious. I wanted to make a phone call but instead I sent a message: I miss you. Mom should get it by now. I miss her slender finger. Vanessa shocked me today with her cool... almost cold tiny hand on my forehead
(checking if I am sick) Tiny thing brings back memories. Just like mom, just like him.
I smiled, thinking it is weird for us to be friends today. Vanessa who used to hate me and whom I used to loath to the core, actually can share one of her ear piece with me today. We would sing some stupid break-up songs loudly, shamelessly, walking together to Minimart or Coldstorage. This is utterly ridiculous. This is not something I would do in the past but I am enjoying it now. I think less of what a messy GERMIE she is. She thinks less of what a hardcore traditional grandma I am. We are both headstrong and competitive. Now we are both single. Just that she think being single sucks, me the opposite.
... and ...
Just some random thoughts today as I listen to DBSK. I became an extreme Cassiopeia (DBSK's fan) recently. Really enjoy their music and their personalities. This is strange, me behaving like a teenage fan girl at the age of a supposedly mature young lady. But who cares, I would scream the moment, I find another Cassiopeia, the moment I see Yunho or hear Junsu's voice.
I love the peace their music brings me.
I am not holding back the tears, for there is nothing to be sad about. Just this simply life of a JC2 student, studying for her exam.
I really really love DBSK
Friday, June 26, 2009
For Sarah
this is the last time I am THIS childish to solve an problem online. I don't talk to someone who is still alive by writing about the person on my blog. I could have just called to speak it out. However, I am terrified to hear your voice once more.
Most likely, you won’t. ‘cuz yeah, if you cared that much, you would not have done all THAT without realizing it.
But if you ever turn around, and try to find me, there is one thing I am sure.
You will no longer be able to see me, with my teary eyes, awaiting your final realization how much your lies hurt me.
Because this time, I will be the one, who will take THE turn to have my back against you and I will be the one, who will take THE first step, away from we once stood.
So now it is like this. I accept my fate and I am not fighting it any more. It is so tiring, to fight against a planned suicide, an inborn obnoxious nature, your 180 degree change all the time. After a great battle, wounded and exhausted, I could not bring myself to care for you just the same… Till my last breath, the only thing I can remember is my misery, which was constructed by you, who refused to make my life less difficult.
So here we go, no happy ending needed, no need for a reconstruction of a fated unfortunate event. Off you go. Away and away, gently and quietly I let you slip from my embrace… Just like that… easy breezy… So just like that, I let you go… So even if we never have a chance to see each other again, it is more beautiful this way. We can remember how we were once to one another, the good old days… not the long drawn, depressing fight both of us put up.
I am not angry about the current status of our relationship. I am not pleased. I am not upset. More or less I am indifferent. Just like that, accepting, thinking hurts my chances, and I intend to last. If being with you stand in my way, I am afraid… Just like that, I will walk over it, without a tear.
Finally I understand the feeling of someone who walks away.
I walk off, today, not to hurt you, not to make you cry or make your life miserable.
But more to make me not to be hurt by you, not to cry because of you, not to be in any mess created by you.
I cannot control what you feel and how you actually react
Too much drama! I am sick of it. sick to the core
I cannot also control what you would do to me.
Again and again.
However, I cannot let my life be messed up again and again by a decision you insisted. Cannot let my happiness and stability be at the mercy of your self-destruction nature.
So please, let me walk off not hearing you cry or feel sorry about us. I am pleased it ends. And if our paths ever cross, I mean it sincerely, please do not acknowledge our acquaintance.
For I pressed erase today.
I mean it when I actually blocked you from my MSN (just as you challenged me, you NEVER thought I would do that, huh? I did. Not today but years back when I found out you were and are and will never be trustworthy.)
I mean it when I deleted your phone number, contact and everything that possesses traces of you as my friend. I ignore your invitation as friend on my facebook, if you haven't been aware of that.
I mean it when I told you, over the phone, please don't call me again. I really do mean it. So if you are in love, be happy for yourself. If you get great score, celebrate it yourself. For now, I declare my eternal (oh, I can't use this word cuz I am not gonna live forever like you) so from now till my last breath: I am indifferent to you or anything related.
I can't thank you enough for the list of things you said you overcame to make sure his letter reached me. It was not easy for me to get it, of course. From emotional, the long drawn struggle to beg, beg and beg you to give me the letter that belongs to me made me emotionless. I appreciate your good intention, if there truly is. Maybe I am ignorance of the pain you actually went through to cover up for him, to protect me. Well, we misunderstand each other from the start. I wanted the truth. You could not be true. We wanted different things therefore we should not walk the same path.
I believe, you will treat this as an insult. The first time I talked to you in sec3, I insulted you. So this, the last time I directly talk about you, if you see this as an insult, I will not defend myself. I hope you will loath me enough after reading this to give me your final blessing: the life, from this moment onward without your presence, not even traces of your existence again.
you really know how to make people wish they had not known you.
this is the last time I am THIS childish to solve an problem online. I don't talk to someone who is still alive by writing about the person on my blog. I could have just called to speak it out. However, I am terrified to hear your voice once more.
Most likely, you won’t. ‘cuz yeah, if you cared that much, you would not have done all THAT without realizing it.
But if you ever turn around, and try to find me, there is one thing I am sure.
You will no longer be able to see me, with my teary eyes, awaiting your final realization how much your lies hurt me.
Because this time, I will be the one, who will take THE turn to have my back against you and I will be the one, who will take THE first step, away from we once stood.
So now it is like this. I accept my fate and I am not fighting it any more. It is so tiring, to fight against a planned suicide, an inborn obnoxious nature, your 180 degree change all the time. After a great battle, wounded and exhausted, I could not bring myself to care for you just the same… Till my last breath, the only thing I can remember is my misery, which was constructed by you, who refused to make my life less difficult.
So here we go, no happy ending needed, no need for a reconstruction of a fated unfortunate event. Off you go. Away and away, gently and quietly I let you slip from my embrace… Just like that… easy breezy… So just like that, I let you go… So even if we never have a chance to see each other again, it is more beautiful this way. We can remember how we were once to one another, the good old days… not the long drawn, depressing fight both of us put up.
I am not angry about the current status of our relationship. I am not pleased. I am not upset. More or less I am indifferent. Just like that, accepting, thinking hurts my chances, and I intend to last. If being with you stand in my way, I am afraid… Just like that, I will walk over it, without a tear.
Finally I understand the feeling of someone who walks away.
I walk off, today, not to hurt you, not to make you cry or make your life miserable.
But more to make me not to be hurt by you, not to cry because of you, not to be in any mess created by you.
I cannot control what you feel and how you actually react
Too much drama! I am sick of it. sick to the core
I cannot also control what you would do to me.
Again and again.
However, I cannot let my life be messed up again and again by a decision you insisted. Cannot let my happiness and stability be at the mercy of your self-destruction nature.
So please, let me walk off not hearing you cry or feel sorry about us. I am pleased it ends. And if our paths ever cross, I mean it sincerely, please do not acknowledge our acquaintance.
For I pressed erase today.
I mean it when I actually blocked you from my MSN (just as you challenged me, you NEVER thought I would do that, huh? I did. Not today but years back when I found out you were and are and will never be trustworthy.)
I mean it when I deleted your phone number, contact and everything that possesses traces of you as my friend. I ignore your invitation as friend on my facebook, if you haven't been aware of that.
I mean it when I told you, over the phone, please don't call me again. I really do mean it. So if you are in love, be happy for yourself. If you get great score, celebrate it yourself. For now, I declare my eternal (oh, I can't use this word cuz I am not gonna live forever like you) so from now till my last breath: I am indifferent to you or anything related.
I can't thank you enough for the list of things you said you overcame to make sure his letter reached me. It was not easy for me to get it, of course. From emotional, the long drawn struggle to beg, beg and beg you to give me the letter that belongs to me made me emotionless. I appreciate your good intention, if there truly is. Maybe I am ignorance of the pain you actually went through to cover up for him, to protect me. Well, we misunderstand each other from the start. I wanted the truth. You could not be true. We wanted different things therefore we should not walk the same path.
I believe, you will treat this as an insult. The first time I talked to you in sec3, I insulted you. So this, the last time I directly talk about you, if you see this as an insult, I will not defend myself. I hope you will loath me enough after reading this to give me your final blessing: the life, from this moment onward without your presence, not even traces of your existence again.
you really know how to make people wish they had not known you.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
right now
right now
I am with, yet without another breathing existence in my room.
right now
my luggages are unpacked, bed is made, books are placed on the shelf
right now
I want to take a nap...
Poured out things I stored for the past 3 weeks while I was in hospital. Things unsaid, letter unburned, tears un-shed...
right now
I am empty... Like a a child with spotless memories of pain.
right now
F5, pressed. Here I go again.
With nothing, yet eager to reclaim everything that should be mine, and would be mine
I am not unhappy
And I am happy about it.
I do miss home, and mom.
I think of her every now and then... It was just yesterday she still hugged me in her arms, and we talked for hours and hours about ridiculous stuffs, from boys to toys and of course serious plan like my future.
I know i will be happy and loved. For she believes in me, I believe in myself. When all things fall apart, I know she will be there, standing with her warm smile and her gentle eyes. Not lending me a hand, she will watch me rebuilding my shattered paradise, for she knows I can do it, with my tiny childish hands.
right now
I am breathing.
Shouldn't we feel glad?
And appreciate this chance to live?
Even if there is no tomorrow, I am still grateful for the hours left, today.
About me
I am smiling.
thank you for the memories

The thing I like most about a typed diary or a typed letter
Is that
They less complicated
I also hate them the most.
They are emotionless and impersonal
They leave no trace, whatsoever of such thing
as an emotional moment,
in another word,
weakness as dried tears, trembling or over pressed handwriting.
No trace of a reconstruction of truth.
No cross no trace of what was said then regretted.
No trace of what might be the TRUTH
For beggar cannot be chooser, I accept what is given.
Yet I learn from the best I type my emotion down. ..........................................................
For Aricin,
Thank you for the memories
1. our first love letter, which was typed, unsent personally and un-signed which is also our last. I could not believe it, but I did it, as the final gift for you. There was no tear, just as you wish, just a smile, the true one you love, from my heart, not from my lips.
2. my last fairy tale, which was edited into some trying-hard-to--have-a-happy-ending story, you know what, you did not have to do it. You really did not. I knew what I got myself into from the start. I knew you were not going to be able to keep your promise, and I made a decision to love you regardless.
3. ...
4. ...
1000. ...
thank you for the memories. Though there was more pain than happiness, though there were more separation: physically and mentally than togetherness, though there was more depression and heartbreak than joy, I do not regret devoting my heart to you for the past 2 years.
I wrote to you, the final letter, which will never ever be published, or read by the third party. I am done having someone interfering our relationship. I wrote it as if ink, my blood were running out of my heart. I guess by this moment in time, you should have received it, understood me and felt glad for us. Somewhere in heaven, I believe you know, how angry I was, how frustrated I was, and how determined I am now to clear my head, empty my heart, and move on.
You can stop watching over me, or replying on someone you trust to watch over me (I don't see why they should, they would or they need to). You misunderstood me from the start. I am someone who cares for, not someone to be cared for in the eyes of anyone else but you.
I want to fall down, I want to bleed. At least in that manner I learn to walk the proper way.
I want to get slapped so I learn how to slap back reality
I want to be betrayed by best friends, so I learn who to trust and who not to…
I did not need you to protect me. You are not my bloody body guard.
You were my boyfriend.
You were the one I loved
As you said your final goodbye, I now say mine.
Now you are free. from me. from a relationship which was empty on your side. I won't drink up that glass of water you poured. But I can't possibly carry it around, being afraid 24/7 to lose one drop or two. In my secret garden where I planted a seed more than 2 years ago, hoping we could both grow it into a fruitful tree... I poured it down. So there our memories remain, strong in the grass, strong in the flowers, strong in the soil...
I loved you.
Happy ending
About us.
ummm... no, about me, who has changed
“This is the way you left me… I am not pretending, no hope, no love no glory, no happy ending”
As I walked, the rhythm of Mika’s “happy ending” kept playing again and again in my head. So “this is it”. I breathed in, disbelieved, astonished, weary…eventually, when I was about to give up, defying my emotion, I realized: anger. It was anger that filled my soul. I wondered why I felt this way. I wonder why I can no longer be the same person I was. I wonder where she went, the girl who cried her eyes out, down on her knees begging for the final letter, something that by right, belonged to her.
Why can I never be her again, My Linh of 18?
Maybe she cried too much, she can no longer read your letter.
Maybe she was hurt too much, her heart forgot what it was like… to feel
Maybe she had had enough all the nonsense, all the despicable lies, and complicated plots which she would never ever able to understand. So she reached out for that number of pills that he could not finish and took them in: one by one, day by day for the past two years. All the lies, the empty promises that were told to her by a “trustworthy” friend of his poisoned her, day by day. She waited for a dead person to return, knowing too well he wouldn’t. She waited for a letter, the final pill that will finish her, so she can wander under the sky and gaze upon the boy she loved. She cried herself to sleep, hoping she can see him. She took up murderous amount of responsibilities at school… For what? Simply to make sure, she would not have time to think of him. She could never look at another guy and feel attracted. Whoever stands in front of her for the past 2 years is merely a being to her, a non-gender acquaintance. Whoever asks for her hands, whether, for eternity or for a dance knows the bitterness of her ruthless and heartless rejection. No red roses are accepted, no soft toys are wanted. Losing him means much to her, in many ways, she died with him, inside. Romantic and kind? Passionate and innocent? She killed herself.
So I knew the email would arrive at 8 p.m., knowing pretty well, the person who would send it was always late. I did not check mail even when she miscalled me. And when she did, I breathed in, again, wondering if this was the end, the final note, the final message, the final goodbye. To my own amazement, I carried on with MY life, finished the chore, made sure the participants of Pre-U Sem have their meals, drinks, go to bed… I carried on with MY life. Yes, this is MINE, my duty, my role as a councilor, as the group leader, as a student, as a daughter of my parents. When was the last time, I had this special position, as his girlfriend, as his? I don’t know, I could not remember for once being an ordinary girl in love, waiting for him to come, tapping her fingers on the table restlessly… I could only recall my misery, from which I grew up. As my inaccurate memory faded, I learned to carry on…. Just like that, for a moment, for a while, I forgot the letter was waiting for me… I waited for it for 2 years and 2 months. Now I have it…
I could not bring myself to read it.
The letter.
I thought I would die for it.
However, I remember accepting that I gave it up. I did not know for that fraction of time, my life changed totally. Being threatened, insulted…, being asked to tell filthy lies that benefited no one but the gambler, being asked to betray my own principles. Maybe I disappointed him, for the first time in my life time of loving him; I placed myself above the one I loved.
Strange as it seemed, I sat down when the clock ticked midnight, informed her that this will be our final conversation for I did not wish to have any further interference to my relationship with him. I started to read.
The poem
The fairy tale
And stop
I closed the borrowed laptop, returned to the laundry room and pressed the buttons. I talked to mom and dad with a brief mention of the letter, Ruam, my true best friend with much screaming and shouting my anger out and sent Ferina a text without any mention of the letter, ignoring the phone call from the complete stranger.
Until this moment, I haven’t been able to bring myself to read the whole letter.
I had SAT that coming morning, thus I could not risk tearing out my heart again. So I printed the letter out, put it on my bed… “gonna read it before u sleep”… another plan which I could not fulfill for I did not sleep the whole night, doing last minute work.
Until this moment, I haven’t read the letter.
I don’t think I will any soon
‘Cuz I do not know how to stop, this machine that keeps me alive for the past 2 years… I do not know how to stop, counting the amount of work that has to be done…
Maybe one moment in time… I will sit down and read…
How could we both love one another so much yet end up hurting each other so badly? A moment of happiness, as compared to years of misery… I believe our love was worthy but what angered me was our selfishness. We are both selfish. You, being so determined to leave me, knowing so well you would never be able to keep that promise of eternity, understanding clearly that you would not leave me anything behind, no happy ending, not even a concrete trace of your existence, were still greedy and took my heart away. I thought I loved the way you loved me. I thought I accepted the fact that you were barely around. Actually, I did, now I don’t. I changed because I am eventually exhausted. On the other hand, I, knowing perfectly well there was nothing I could do to keep you, understanding perfectly well that my love for you which could have not have the power to ease your physical pain or take away your troubles would only made it more complicated and painful for you to embark on your planned departure, was still selfish enough to insist on possessing your heart. So I had to pay for my wrong deed, my selfishness and stupidity. Once I asked myself if I would do this all over again, and what angered me even more was my unconscious and immediate answer YES. I wished you had not gotten stuck with me. Since you would leave no matter what, not knowing me would lessen your eternal burden.
If you could see me know, the grotesque monster you have left on earth when you soared to the sky… I blame you not but am indeed thankful to you.
Now I know, there are not only two extreme polar of emotions sorrow and happiness… There lies outside this flat plane, the third dimension, the vacuum of numbness, indifference… of the ice box where my heart once beats. I read only parts of your letter.
You are right.
You are always right.
I did not cry reading it, not even a little bit.
What for? A thousand words won’t bring you back… I know, ‘cuz I had tried
Neither will a million tears, I know… ‘cuz I had cried
What happens to un-cried tears?
They flow inward… back to the core of the heart.
In that coldness of the controlling mind, salty water freezes, like an ice box, trapping the heart inside.
...I am glad it happened. I am glad there was an "us".
I am glad.
ummm... no, about me, who has changed
“This is the way you left me… I am not pretending, no hope, no love no glory, no happy ending”
As I walked, the rhythm of Mika’s “happy ending” kept playing again and again in my head. So “this is it”. I breathed in, disbelieved, astonished, weary…eventually, when I was about to give up, defying my emotion, I realized: anger. It was anger that filled my soul. I wondered why I felt this way. I wonder why I can no longer be the same person I was. I wonder where she went, the girl who cried her eyes out, down on her knees begging for the final letter, something that by right, belonged to her.
Why can I never be her again, My Linh of 18?
Maybe she cried too much, she can no longer read your letter.
Maybe she was hurt too much, her heart forgot what it was like… to feel
Maybe she had had enough all the nonsense, all the despicable lies, and complicated plots which she would never ever able to understand. So she reached out for that number of pills that he could not finish and took them in: one by one, day by day for the past two years. All the lies, the empty promises that were told to her by a “trustworthy” friend of his poisoned her, day by day. She waited for a dead person to return, knowing too well he wouldn’t. She waited for a letter, the final pill that will finish her, so she can wander under the sky and gaze upon the boy she loved. She cried herself to sleep, hoping she can see him. She took up murderous amount of responsibilities at school… For what? Simply to make sure, she would not have time to think of him. She could never look at another guy and feel attracted. Whoever stands in front of her for the past 2 years is merely a being to her, a non-gender acquaintance. Whoever asks for her hands, whether, for eternity or for a dance knows the bitterness of her ruthless and heartless rejection. No red roses are accepted, no soft toys are wanted. Losing him means much to her, in many ways, she died with him, inside. Romantic and kind? Passionate and innocent? She killed herself.
So I knew the email would arrive at 8 p.m., knowing pretty well, the person who would send it was always late. I did not check mail even when she miscalled me. And when she did, I breathed in, again, wondering if this was the end, the final note, the final message, the final goodbye. To my own amazement, I carried on with MY life, finished the chore, made sure the participants of Pre-U Sem have their meals, drinks, go to bed… I carried on with MY life. Yes, this is MINE, my duty, my role as a councilor, as the group leader, as a student, as a daughter of my parents. When was the last time, I had this special position, as his girlfriend, as his? I don’t know, I could not remember for once being an ordinary girl in love, waiting for him to come, tapping her fingers on the table restlessly… I could only recall my misery, from which I grew up. As my inaccurate memory faded, I learned to carry on…. Just like that, for a moment, for a while, I forgot the letter was waiting for me… I waited for it for 2 years and 2 months. Now I have it…
I could not bring myself to read it.
The letter.
I thought I would die for it.
However, I remember accepting that I gave it up. I did not know for that fraction of time, my life changed totally. Being threatened, insulted…, being asked to tell filthy lies that benefited no one but the gambler, being asked to betray my own principles. Maybe I disappointed him, for the first time in my life time of loving him; I placed myself above the one I loved.
Strange as it seemed, I sat down when the clock ticked midnight, informed her that this will be our final conversation for I did not wish to have any further interference to my relationship with him. I started to read.
The poem
The fairy tale
And stop
I closed the borrowed laptop, returned to the laundry room and pressed the buttons. I talked to mom and dad with a brief mention of the letter, Ruam, my true best friend with much screaming and shouting my anger out and sent Ferina a text without any mention of the letter, ignoring the phone call from the complete stranger.
Until this moment, I haven’t been able to bring myself to read the whole letter.
I had SAT that coming morning, thus I could not risk tearing out my heart again. So I printed the letter out, put it on my bed… “gonna read it before u sleep”… another plan which I could not fulfill for I did not sleep the whole night, doing last minute work.
Until this moment, I haven’t read the letter.
I don’t think I will any soon
‘Cuz I do not know how to stop, this machine that keeps me alive for the past 2 years… I do not know how to stop, counting the amount of work that has to be done…
Maybe one moment in time… I will sit down and read…
How could we both love one another so much yet end up hurting each other so badly? A moment of happiness, as compared to years of misery… I believe our love was worthy but what angered me was our selfishness. We are both selfish. You, being so determined to leave me, knowing so well you would never be able to keep that promise of eternity, understanding clearly that you would not leave me anything behind, no happy ending, not even a concrete trace of your existence, were still greedy and took my heart away. I thought I loved the way you loved me. I thought I accepted the fact that you were barely around. Actually, I did, now I don’t. I changed because I am eventually exhausted. On the other hand, I, knowing perfectly well there was nothing I could do to keep you, understanding perfectly well that my love for you which could have not have the power to ease your physical pain or take away your troubles would only made it more complicated and painful for you to embark on your planned departure, was still selfish enough to insist on possessing your heart. So I had to pay for my wrong deed, my selfishness and stupidity. Once I asked myself if I would do this all over again, and what angered me even more was my unconscious and immediate answer YES. I wished you had not gotten stuck with me. Since you would leave no matter what, not knowing me would lessen your eternal burden.
If you could see me know, the grotesque monster you have left on earth when you soared to the sky… I blame you not but am indeed thankful to you.
Now I know, there are not only two extreme polar of emotions sorrow and happiness… There lies outside this flat plane, the third dimension, the vacuum of numbness, indifference… of the ice box where my heart once beats. I read only parts of your letter.
You are right.
You are always right.
I did not cry reading it, not even a little bit.
What for? A thousand words won’t bring you back… I know, ‘cuz I had tried
Neither will a million tears, I know… ‘cuz I had cried
What happens to un-cried tears?
They flow inward… back to the core of the heart.
In that coldness of the controlling mind, salty water freezes, like an ice box, trapping the heart inside.
...I am glad it happened. I am glad there was an "us".
I am glad.
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