I love playing with my camera, love capturing happiness, tears, unexpected rainbows, sudden rain... I love taking black and white pictures. The only type of phtos where the light actually stands out... It is not easy, actually, more difficult than talking color pictures... If there is no light... the photos are ruined. The stronger the light is, the better contrast I can achieve to bring about the beauty of the scenery.
Thic picture was taken back then in Winter, 2007, when I was in Vietnam, in a temple. I love the peacefulness. I could sit there and read for hours and hours, The world was moving so fast outside of the gate... I felt safe inside, calm. I captured, the moment when light entered the room, through wood doors. Sunshines warmed my cold cold skin. I open my hand, to fill it with the golden water of the sun
Since I came back to Singapore, I rarely went around to take pictures, evern pictures of myself. I became lazy. I told myself to... move my butt to go take some night pictures on my own... But I was sick, for a week, and now I still see no hope of recovery. I am sick of coughing, I would really cough till I tears. Helpless. and weak. I was in the Student Council room yesterday, happy to be with them... They, the gorgeous, enthusiastic people have the amazing power to make me feel... alive esp. in time when I cannot speak properly like this... I wanted to scream with them, cheer with them, laugh with them... but I could not. Sounds coming out of my mouth was awkward. Being with them, makes my gloomy day brighter... (esp. thx to Audrey-puff)
Then I wish for the light, one more time, again, to return in my palm, I wish for the health I had, the mother who was healthy to be by my side... And even now when she is sick and bed-ridden, I just want to have her here, now, with me...
Light, a amoment of peace, a moment of clarity a moent of truth... I found myself, opening my warm, welcoming the sunshine, filling up my emptiness...
... .... ... when will I be able to find, the passion I had, for photography...again?